EditorialBhutan has recently completed its fourth round of parliamentary election since starting the ‘controlled’ democratic exercise in 2008. Each election brings some surprises. This latest election come as less controversial…
Mental Health Among the Resettled Bhutanese
The resettled Bhutanese, most specifically in the US, have widespread mental health issues. The trend has improved in the last couple of year, though. The issue is not completely absent…
Interim Governments in the Kingdom of Bhutan
Globally, interim governments function as transitional entities managing governance during crises or regime transitions, facilitating the shift towards a stable governance structure. Their roles include supervising elections, maintaining law and…
Bhutanese Women in Public Spheres: Agency, Existence and Resistance
This research attempts to explore the existence of Bhutanese women in public spheres in exile. Bhutanese refugees- their (hi)stories about the resistance and existence. It blends with personal narratives, introduces…
Interview with Dr DNS Dhakal
Deo Narayan Sharma (DNS) Dhakal is one of the few first-generation leaders of Bhutanese refugees who is still actively advocating for human rights, democracy, and amicable solutions for the Bhutanese…
Bhutan India Security Relations: Conflicting Cooperation
Bhutan-India relations are shaped by the changing geopolitical need and conflicting security arrangements in the Himalayas. The countries call it ‘warm relations’ which are rather defined by the changing political…
Bhutan has recently completed its fourth round of parliamentary election since starting the ‘controlled’ democratic exercise in 2008. Each election brings some surprises. This latest election come as less controversial…
Human Rights Report 2023
The democratic changes ushered by the royals allowing political parties to participate in the democratic process and represent the will of the people through periodic elections have hardly made any,…
Bhutan-China Road Connectivity: Firm and Perennial
The Bhutan-China relationship was mostly perceived as sandwiched between China and India, but no more. Bhutan is no more India’s pet in dealings and connections. With perennial road connectivity between…
The Bhutan Journal 4.1
EditorialThis issue of the Bhutan Journal has focused partly on language─ the most specifically the changing needs and status of the language of the Bhutanese diaspora. When the Royal Government…